Fiche de CHEVAILLIER Thierry

Chercheur et enseignant émérite
- Thèmes de recherche
- Publications
Thèmes de recherche
- Économie de l’enseignement supérieur
- Organisation et financement des systèmes d’enseignement supérieur
- Évaluation dans l’enseignement supérieur : coûts et performances
- Thierry Chevaillier. Mark Bray et Anas Hajar, Shadow education in the Middle East: Private supplementary tutoring and its policy implications. Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 2022, pp.36-39. ⟨10.4000/ries.12700⟩. ⟨hal-03863025⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Yannick Tenne. Le financement des réformes éducatives. Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 2020, 83, pp.75-83. ⟨10.4000/ries.9316⟩. ⟨halshs-02896022⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Xavier Pons. Les privatisations de l’éducation : formes et enjeux. Introduction. Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 2019, Les privatisations de l’éducation, 82, pp.29-38. ⟨10.4000/ries.9066⟩. ⟨halshs-02469293⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Le financement de l’éducation (Dossier). Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 2014, 65, pp.35-171. ⟨halshs-01068995⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Financement et régulation des systèmes éducatifs : innovations et évolution du rôle de l’État. Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 2014, 65, pp.35-44. ⟨halshs-01068999⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-François Giret. Dispositifs pédagogiques dans l’enseignement supérieur et insertion des diplômés. Revue internationale de pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur, 2013, 29 (1), ⟨10.4000/ripes.694⟩. ⟨halshs-00842204⟩
- Jean-Richard Cytermann, Thierry Chevaillier. Les financements de l’éducation en France et ailleurs : qui paye quoi ? Comment ?. Administration & éducation, 2012, 135, pp.73-78. ⟨halshs-00760966⟩
- Guy Lapostolle, Thierry Chevaillier. Teacher training in France in the early 2010s. Journal of Education for Teaching, 2011, 37 (4), pp.451-459. ⟨10.1016/j.jvb.2010.09.003⟩. ⟨halshs-00642128⟩
- Jean-Claude Eicher, Thierry Chevaillier. Rethinking the Finance of Post-Compulsory Education. Higher education in Europe, 2010, 27 (1-2), pp.69-88. ⟨10.1080/0379772022000003233⟩. ⟨hal-03256981⟩
- Guy Lapostolle, Thierry Chevaillier. Formación inicial de los docentes de colegios en Francia. Revista de Educacion, 2009, 350, pp.145-172. ⟨halshs-00422303⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Guy Lapostolle. Between Necessity and Constraints: The Reform of Teacher Training in France (1990-2007). Higher Education in Europe, 2008, 33 (4), pp.457 – 470. ⟨10.1080/03797720802522726⟩. ⟨halshs-00347417⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. L’orientation scolaire et professionnelle en Angleterre. Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 2005, 38, pp.95-104. ⟨halshs-00006345⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Claude Eicher. Higher education funding : a decade of changes. Higher Education in Europe, 2002, 27 (1-2), pp.89-99. ⟨10.1080/0379772022000003242⟩. ⟨halshs-00004954⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Claude Eicher. Repenser le financement de l’enseignement post-obligatoire. Enseignement supérieur en Europe, 2002, 27 (1-2), pp.76–114. ⟨hal-03212537⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Introduction : Higher Education and Its Clients : Institutional Responses to Changes in Demand and in Environment. Higher Education, 2002, 44 (3-4), pp.303–308. ⟨hal-03212536⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. French Academics : Between the Professions and the Civil Service. Higher Education, 2001, 41 (1-2), pp.49–75. ⟨hal-03210058⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Georges Solaux. L’évaluation des universités en France. Orientation scolaire et professionnelle (L’), 1999, 28 (4), pp.517–538. ⟨hal-03209414⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Moving away from central planning : using contracts to steer higher education in France. European Journal of Education, 1998, 33 (1), pp.65-76. ⟨halshs-03213793⟩
- Jean-Claude Eicher, Thierry Chevaillier. Rethinking the Finance of Post-Compulsory Education. International Journal of Educational Research, 1993, 19 (5), pp.447–519. ⟨hal-03206531⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Jacques Paul. University-Industry Relations in France. Higher education quarterly, 1993, 47 (1), pp.41–51. ⟨hal-03206525⟩
- Jean-Claude Eicher, Thierry Chevaillier. Rethinking the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education. Higher education in Europe, 1992, 17 (1), pp.6-32. ⟨hal-03206419⟩
- Jean-Claude Eicher, Thierry Chevaillier. Rethinking the Finance of Post-Compulsory Education. Prospects (Perspectives), 1991, 20 (2), pp.258-275. ⟨hal-03202880⟩
- Cyrille Baudouin, Thierry Chevaillier, Agnès Le Pallec, Michel Beney. Feedback on design and use of a virtual environment for practical lab work. the 10th Virtual Reality International Conference, Apr 2008, Laval, France. pp.117-125. ⟨halshs-00855130⟩
- Cyrille Baudouin, Michel Beney, Thierry Chevaillier, Agnès Le Pallec. Aides et guidages en utilisant la réalité virtuelle. Questions de pédagogie dans l’enseignement supérieur, 2008, Brest, France. pp.87-98. ⟨halshs-00855129⟩
- Cyrille Baudouin, Michel Beney, Thierry Chevaillier, Agnès Le Pallec. Analysis of virtual helps usage in a virtual environment for learning. 4th INTUITION International Conference and Workshop, Oct 2007, Athen, Greece. pp.52-60. ⟨halshs-00855132⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Xavier Pons. Les privatisations de l’éducation. Revue Internationale d’Education de Sèvres, 82, pp.29-137, 2019. ⟨halshs-02469266⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Higher education and its clients : institutional responses to changes in demand and in environment. Higher Education, 44 (3-4), springer, pp.303-532, 2002. ⟨hal-03256788⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Christine Musselin (Dir.). Réformes d’hier et réformes d’aujourd’hui : l’enseignement supérieur recomposé. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014, 9782753534933. ⟨halshs-01074366⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Nadia Nakhili, Séverine Le Bastard-Landrier, Marie Duru-Bellat, Edouard Perretier. Du secondaire au supérieur : continuités et ruptures dans les conditions de vie des jeunes. Observatoire National de la Vie Etudiante. La Documentation Française, 175 p., 2009, Panorama des savoirs, 9782110074539. ⟨halshs-00396214⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier (Dir.). Special Issue on Higher education and its clients : institutional responses to changes in demand and in environment. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, Higher Education. The international journal of higher education and educational planning. ⟨halshs-00004961⟩
CHAPITRES D’OUVRAGE – 17 documents
- Julien Calmand, Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-François Giret. Between Change and Continuity: The Transformation of Doctoral Education in France. Yudkevich, Maria; Altbach, Philip G.; Wit, Hans de. Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education: A Global Perspective, Sage, pp.53-78, 2020, SAGE Studies in Higher Education, 9789353882549. ⟨halshs-02926367⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Marie Duru-Bellat. Diploma Devaluation, The Ins and Outs. Shin J.C.; Teixeira P. Encyclopédie of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Springer, 5 p., 2017, 9789401789042. ⟨halshs-01533449⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Jacques Paul. Insertion professionnelle des diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur en Europe : premiers résultats de l’enquête REFLEX. Nicolas Euriat, Hervé Lhotel et Eirick Prairat, coord. L’école et ses transformations : normes, modes de certification, enseignement supérieur, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp.207-220, 2009, Questions d’éducation et de formation. ⟨halshs-00399401⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Jacques Paul. A Tale of Two Reform Styles. Jürgen Enders, Frans van Vught (eds.). Towards a cartography of higher education policy change : A Festschrift in Honour of Guy Neave, Netherlands : CHEPS, University of Twente, pp.159-163, 2007. ⟨halshs-00181248⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Jacques Paul. Accessibility and Equity in a State-funded System of Higher Education : the French Case. Teixeira (Pedro N.), Johnstone (D. Bruce), Rosa (Maria J.), Vossensteyn (Hans). Cost-Sharing and Accessibility in Higher Education : a Fairer Deal ?, 14, Springer, pp.295-316, 2006, Higher Education Dynamics. ⟨halshs-00086082⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Die neue Rolle des Staates im französischen Hochschulsystem. Von der Curriculumkontrolle zur Programmakkreditierung. Schwarz, S. and Westerheijden, D.F. and Rehburg, M. Akkreditierung im Hochschulraum Europa, Universitätsverlag Webler, pp.109-128, 2005. ⟨hal-03267889⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. The changing role of the State in French higher education. From curriculum control to programme accreditation. Schwarz Stefanie; Westerheijden Don F. Accreditation in the framework of evaluation activities – a comparative study in the European Higher Education Area, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.159-174, 2004, Higher Education Dynamics, 978-1-4020-2797-0. ⟨halshs-03274037⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Higher Education and Markets in France. Dill, David and Joengbloed, Ben and Texeira, Pedro and Amaral, Alberto. Markets in Higher Education. Rhetoric or Reality ?, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.311-326, 2004, Higher Education Dynamics, Douro Series, 1-4020-2815-6. ⟨hal-03267873⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Strategic Indicators for Higher Education Systems : Lessons from the French Experience. Yonezawa, Akiyoshi and Kaiser, Frans. System-Level and Strategic Indicators for Monitoring Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, Unesco/Cepes, pp.103-110, 2003, Studies on Higher Education, 92-9069-172-1. ⟨hal-03267756⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. University Governance and Finance : The Impact of Changes in Resource Allocation on Decision Making Structures. Amaral, Alberto and Jones, Glen A. and Karseth, Berit. Governing Higher Education : National Perspectives on Institutional Governance, 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.87-98, 2002, Hedda, Higher Education Dynamics, 1-4020-1078-8. ⟨hal-03267733⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Professional Diversity in a Centralized System : Academic Staff in France. Enders, Jürgen. Academic Staff in Europe : Changing Contexts and Conditions, Greenwood Press, pp.91-113, 2001, Greenwood Studies in Higher Education, 0-313-31828-X. ⟨hal-03267732⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. El personal académico en las universidades francesas. Mora Ruiz, José Ginès. El profesorado universitario : situación en España y tendencias internacionales, Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte, pp.57-79, 2000, 84-369-3349-4. ⟨hal-03267568⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Employment and Working Conditions of Academic Staff in French Higher Education. Enders, Jürgen. Employment and Working Condition of Academic Staff in Europe, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, 2000, Materialen Zu Hochschule Und Wissenschaft N° 95. ⟨hal-03267566⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. French Academics: Between the Professions and the Civil Service. Altbach, Philip G. The Changing Academic Workplace : Comparative Perspectives, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, pp.75-104, 2000, 0-9646078-7-5. ⟨hal-03267567⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-Claude Eicher. Changements des modes de financement et transformations structurelles dans l’enseignement supérieur : la France et les Pays-Bas depuis 1980. Audier, Florence and Gazier, Bernard and Outin, Jean-Luc. L’économie sociale : formes d’organisation et institutions, tome 1, L’harmattan, pp.116-130, 1999, Logiques économiques, 2-7384-8289-9. ⟨hal-03267374⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. L’économie de l’éducation et la gestion des établissements scolaires et universitaires. Paul, Jean-Jacques. Administrer, gérer, évaluer les systèmes éducatifs : une encyclopédie pour aujourd’hui, ESF, pp.97-118, 1999, Pédagogies, série outils, 2-7101-1353-8. ⟨hal-03267375⟩
- Jean-Claude Eicher, Thierry Chevaillier. Rethinking the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education. Morsy, Zaghloul and Altbach, Philip G. Higher Education in International Perspective : Toward the 21st Century, Unesco; Advent books, pp.90-107, 1993, 0-89891-066-8. ⟨hal-03261506⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Evaluation in French Higher Education: history, policy and debates. 2013, 8 p. ⟨halshs-00832733⟩
RAPPORTS – 2 documents
- Séverine Le Bastard-Landrier, Thierry Chevaillier, Nadia Nakhili, Edouard Perretier. Du secondaire au supérieur : continuités et ruptures dans les conditions de vie des jeunes. OVE (Observatoire de la vie étudiante). 2008. ⟨halshs-00457987⟩
- Thierry Chevaillier. Les Nouveaux rôles des chefs d’établissements dans l’enseignement secondaire. [Rapport de recherche] Unesco. 2006, 59 p. ⟨halshs-00181416⟩
Documents récupérés de l’archive ouverte HAL
Liste HAL synchronisée
Guy Lapostolle, Thierry Chevaillier. Formación inicial de los docentes de colegios en Francia. Revista de Educacion, 2009, 350, pp.145-172. ⟨halshs-04795572⟩
Julien Calmand, Thierry Chevaillier, Jean-François Giret. Between Change and Continuity: The Transformation of Doctoral Education in France. Yudkevich, Maria; Altbach, Philip G.; Wit, Hans de. Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education: A Global Perspective, Sage, pp.53-78, 2020, SAGE Studies in Higher Education, 9789353882549. ⟨halshs-02926367⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. Mark Bray et Anas Hajar, Shadow education in the Middle East: Private supplementary tutoring and its policy implications. Revue Internationale d'Education de Sèvres, 2022, pp.36-39. ⟨10.4000/ries.12700⟩. ⟨hal-03863025⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. The changing role of the State in French higher education. From curriculum control to programme accreditation. Schwarz Stefanie; Westerheijden Don F. Accreditation in the framework of evaluation activities - a comparative study in the European Higher Education Area, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.159-174, 2004, Higher Education Dynamics, 978-1-4020-2797-0. ⟨halshs-03274037⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. Die neue Rolle des Staates im französischen Hochschulsystem. Von der Curriculumkontrolle zur Programmakkreditierung. Schwarz, S. and Westerheijden, D.F. and Rehburg, M. Akkreditierung im Hochschulraum Europa, Universitätsverlag Webler, pp.109-128, 2005. ⟨hal-03267889⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. Higher Education and Markets in France. Dill, David and Joengbloed, Ben and Texeira, Pedro and Amaral, Alberto. Markets in Higher Education. Rhetoric or Reality ?, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.311-326, 2004, Higher Education Dynamics, Douro Series, 1-4020-2815-6. ⟨hal-03267873⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. Strategic Indicators for Higher Education Systems : Lessons from the French Experience. Yonezawa, Akiyoshi and Kaiser, Frans. System-Level and Strategic Indicators for Monitoring Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, Unesco/Cepes, pp.103-110, 2003, Studies on Higher Education, 92-9069-172-1. ⟨hal-03267756⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. University Governance and Finance : The Impact of Changes in Resource Allocation on Decision Making Structures. Amaral, Alberto and Jones, Glen A. and Karseth, Berit. Governing Higher Education : National Perspectives on Institutional Governance, 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.87-98, 2002, Hedda, Higher Education Dynamics, 1-4020-1078-8. ⟨hal-03267733⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. Professional Diversity in a Centralized System : Academic Staff in France. Enders, Jürgen. Academic Staff in Europe : Changing Contexts and Conditions, Greenwood Press, pp.91-113, 2001, Greenwood Studies in Higher Education, 0-313-31828-X. ⟨hal-03267732⟩
Thierry Chevaillier. El personal académico en las universidades francesas. Mora Ruiz, José Ginès. El profesorado universitario : situación en España y tendencias internacionales, Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte, pp.57-79, 2000, 84-369-3349-4. ⟨hal-03267568⟩