List of Publications 2025

25001. Martinache, I., & Farges, G. (Éd.). (2025). Enseignants : le grand déclassement ? Paris: PUF.
The teaching profession is losing much of its appeal, as suggested by the continuing decline in applications for recruitment competitions and the rising trend in resignations. The days when teaching was seen as a priesthood seem to be over. This book sets out to explore the various factors and effects of this erosion of the teaching profession, which is not unique to France. It invites us to pay attention not only to pay, but also to recruitment policies and the management of teaching careers, to changes in the conditions under which teachers enter the profession and in their day-to-day work, to their sense of social worth and to political attitudes. Without losing sight of the fact that the teaching profession is affected by social changes that also affect other professional groups.

25002. Farges, G. (2025). L’affaiblissement du statut social des enseignant·es en France : explorations. In I. Martinache & G. Farges (Éd.), Enseignants : le grand déclassement ? (p. 37‑48). Paris: PUF.

25003. Josseron, L., Mombo, W. T., Maggiacomo, M., Jolly, C., & Clerc, J. (2025). Transfer of motor and strategy learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A scoping review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 157, 1‑12.
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a developmental disorder that affects the learning and execution of motor skills. Little is known about their ability to transfer their learning, i.e. to adapt prior knowledge to new tasks (Hattie & Donoghue, 2016). This is an important issue in these children, both to better understand how they can adapt initial learning to new tasks, and to develop interventions that will enable them to transfer their knowledge into their daily lives. The aim of this scoping review is to assess the body and nature of the existing literature on transfer of learning in children with DCD. After a search in 4 databases, 58 publications meeting the inclusion criteria were included. Among the studies, 18 aimed at measuring transfer, other can be interpreted as measuring transfer of learning even if transfer is not explicitly mentioned by the authors. The results show that children with DCD seem to have difficulty transferring their motor learning when the transfer tasks are far from the trained tasks but seem able to transfer their learning when the transfer tasks remain close, however they can transfer cognitive strategies to more distant transfer tasks. Future research is needed to systematically assess different aspects of transfer, with the aim of proposing effective interventions for children with DCD.§

25004. Giret, J.-F. (2025). Soft skills et open-badges : des réponses aux nouveaux besoins du marché du travail  ? Présenté à « Paradoxes de l’innovation en évaluation au 21e siècle », organisé par l’ADMÉE-Europe, Luxembourg, 8-10 janvier 2025.
The study of young people’s integration into the labour market has been the subject of a great deal of research in various countries, which very often emphasises the role of the diploma and young people’s socio-economic characteristics in understanding the differences in young people’s access to and stabilisation in the labour market. Training, and in particular qualifications, are often implicitly analysed as a means of signalling skills and knowledge, without these actually being questioned independently of whether or not a qualification has been obtained. Many economists and sociologists of education who have initiated major quantitative surveys of young people’s career paths see the effect of diplomas and training on integration in terms of signals or even the ‘parchment effect’. While they often include the social characteristics of graduates, they do not take into account the heterogeneity of skills that may be acquired and required on the labour market, whether or not they are linked to training. The first part of this conference will look at the way in which certain skills can influence the integration of young people, based in particular on Céreq’s Génération survey of representative samples of graduates from the French education system. The second part will look at the way in which open-badges can be developed in certain regions and, in some cases, enhance the value of soft skills on the labour market.

25005. Perret, C., Villeneuve, E., & Theurel, B. (2025). L’Évolution des recherches de l’IREDU sur la réussite dans l’enseignement supérieur à Travers ses archives (1971-2024). Présenté à « Paradoxes de l’innovation en évaluation au 21e siècle », organisé par l’ADMÉE-Europe, Luxembourg, 8-10 janvier 2025.

25006. Born, P., & Duguet, A. (2025). L’évaluation des acquis en premier cycle universitaire à travers un projet collaboratif de vidéos YouTube : un levier pour engager les étudiants dans les apprentissages en cours magistral ? Présentation d’une recherche exploratoire. Présenté à « Paradoxes de l’innovation en évaluation au 21e siècle », organisé par l’ADMÉE-Europe, Luxembourg, 8-10 janvier 2025.

25007. Duval, J., Perret, C., & Villeneuve, E. (2025). L’évaluation par les pairs dans les appels à projets dédiés aux initiatives pédagogique à l’université : les enseignements d’une étude du programme NCU RITM-BFC. Présenté à « Paradoxes de l’innovation en évaluation au 21e siècle », organisé par l’ADMÉE-Europe, Luxembourg, 8-10 janvier 2025.

25008. Morlaix, S., & Perret, C. (2025). Effets de la réforme du 1er cycle de santé en France sur les parcours des étudiants. Présenté à « Paradoxes de l’innovation en évaluation au 21e siècle », organisé par l’ADMÉE-Europe, Luxembourg, 8-10 janvier 2025.

25009. Stiot, L. (2025). Réflexions sur les nouvelles formes de l’évaluation des politiques et des dispositifs en éducation. Présenté à « Paradoxes de l’innovation en évaluation au 21e siècle », organisé par l’ADMÉE-Europe, Luxembourg, 8-10 janvier 2025.

25010. Rossignol-Brunet, M., & Frouillou, L. (2025). D’APB à Parcoursup. Un outil au service du développement d’universités « d’excellence » ?Mondes Sociaux. Consulté à l’adresse
In 2018, the replacement of the Admission Post-Bac (APB) higher education placement platform by Parcoursup has enabled universities to rank the applications they receive according to criteria they can define. This raises the question of a reinforcement of the hierarchies between universities, but also of the more or less strong effects linked to this change depending on whether the disciplines are more or less in demand by baccalaureate holders.

25011. Chimène, L. (2024). L’orientation professionnelle sous le prisme du développement durable : focus sur les éco-délégué·es. L’orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 53(4), 591‑621.
Under the banner of education for sustainable development, education systems are being asked to train aware and responsible citizens, as well as the professionals of tomorrow. This second objective reflects a new mission assigned to schools and careers guidance, namely to contribute to career choices that are compatible with the objectives of sustainable development. To achieve this, the French Ministry of Education has prescribed the creation of eco-delegates, a role that enables students to take the initiative and promote sustainable development in their schools. Based on research using questionnaires completed by 1.725 secondary school pupils in Bourgogne Franche-Comté, this article proposes to assess the place given to sustainable development by eco-delegates, who are particularly exposed to and active in this ’education for’. Using bivariate analyses and a logistic regression model, the study reveals that eco- delegates are more likely than their peers to choose a job that is compatible with sustainable development. However, this tendency is explained more by individual characteristics and family practices than by the status of eco-delegate, which raises questions about the implementation and effects of this ’education for’.

25012. Vallet-Giannini, F. (2025). Les déterminants du choix de spécialisation dans le cadre du nouveau baccalauréat général. Présenté à Saisir les inégalités scolaires par les méthodes quantitatives, organisé par l’ENS Lyon, Lyon, 23 janvier 2025.

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