The diversity of intermediate spaces and their uses in sandwich courses

People involved at IREDU: Claire Bonnard, Jean-François Giret, Océane Vilches

Research coordinator: Laurent Veillard (Foap Agrosup)

Research units: FoAP (AgroSup Dijon); IREDU (Université de Bourgogne); LARAC (Université Grenoble-Alpes); CREN (Université de Nantes)

Duration: 18 months from Sept. 1, 2022

This project focuses on the diversity of intermediate spaces and their uses in work-study programs.

The quantitative aspect of the research will be based on a review of the existing literature on these intermediate spaces, and on the initial qualitative work carried out by the researchers in the consortium.

The aim of the survey, carried out at IREDU, will be to propose a statistical analysis to identify these intermediate or hybrid arrangements in work-study programs, their use in the pedagogical offer and their diversity.

In parallel with this quantitative work, 5 case studies will be carried out by IREDU partners. Their aim is to provide a more in-depth analysis of the conditions under which intermediary spaces are set up and operate, as well as a more detailed study of the didactic characteristics and effects (on transmission practices and learning) of several types of intermediary training spaces that exist in sandwich courses, depending on the social and cognitive characteristics of the trainees.

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