Sheet of MISSAOUI Radhouane

- Research
- Teaching
- Publications
Radhouane Missaoui is a Doctor of Education at the CNAM in Paris, specialising in adult education. His research focuses on a variety of themes, including well-being, stress, social and professional integration, and career guidance. He is particularly interested in new educational technologies and artificial intelligence, exploring their impact on teaching practices and skills development. His work seeks to understand and improve the dynamics of lifelong learning, taking into account the contemporary challenges of diverse and constantly changing learning environments.
He also focuses on supporting learners in their educational and professional journeys, taking into account the challenges of social inclusion and personal development. It examines strategies for reducing academic stress and promoting well-being, based on a multidimensional approach that combines psychology, pedagogy and sociology.
At the same time, he is exploring the use of artificial intelligence to personalise learning experiences and promote more informed career guidance. Through his work, he aims to contribute to the design of innovative training systems, adapted to the specific needs of adults in continuing education, and to enrich training practices by integrating technological advances and interdisciplinary perspectives.
- Economics of education
- Labour economics
- Analysis of the functioning of education systems
- History of the economics of education
- Educational tutoring
- Institutions and organisations
Missaoui, R. (2017). Les transformations du métier de conseiller de mission locale liées à l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication : l’impact sur les identités et les représentations sociales (Doctoral dissertation, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers-CNAM).
Missaoui, R. (2023). Les technologies de l’information comme vecteur de transformations représentationnelles des missions locales en France. L’orientation scolaire et professionnelle, (52/4), 783-805.